Resistensi obat malaria pdf ppt

Pengobatan malaria secara kombinasi bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efikasi dan memperlambat perkembangan resistensi obat. Dampak ketidakpatuhan minum obat pada pasien malaria dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi infeksi plasmodium dalam darah, meningkatkan resistensi parasit, kekambuhan penyakit, dan. Komplikasi malaria beberapa komplikasi serius yang disebabkan oleh malaria, di antaranya anemia berat, hipoglikemia. Obat obatan ini perlu disesuaikan dengan jenis parasit penyebab malaria, tingkat keparahan, atau riwayat area geografis yang pernah ditinggali penderita. Namun, gejala dapat terjadi kemudian pada orangorang yang telah mengambil obat antimalaria sebagai pencegahan.

Pengobatan malaria masih merupakan masalah yang sering dihadapi karena terjadinya resistensi terhadap beberapa obat anti malaria. From 2000 through 2012, the massive scaleup of malaria prevention and treatment interventions saved approximately 3. Plasmodium falciparum centers for disease control and. Malaria s toll would be much higher without the efforts of cdc and other global partners. Mekanisme dan peran obat kombinasi obat antimalaria untuk mencegah multi drug. Malaria is a disease transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito. Conquering malaria burden ecology and manifestations successes control research and training burden the global burden of malaria 1. Learn more about how this condition is spread, symptoms, and treatment. Malaria continues to represent a major public health threat, exerting a significant disease burden worldwide. Di dalam tubuh manusia, parasit plasmodium akan berkembang biak di organ hati kemudian menginfeksi sel darah merah. Resistensi obat malaria adalah kemampuan dariparasit untuk terus hidup dalam tubuh manusia, berkembang biak dan menimbulkan gejala penyakit meskipun telah diberikan pengobatan secara teratur baik dengan dosis standart maupun dengan dosis yang lebih tinggi yang masih bisa ditolerir oleh pemakai obat.

Pyrimethamine, sold under the brand name daraprim among others, is a medication used with leucovorin to treat the parasite diseases toxoplasmosis and cystoisosporiasis. Malaria remains the worlds most devastating human parasitic infection. Mekanisme timbulnya resistensi antibiotik pada infeksi bakteri oleh. Resistensi obat malaria adalah kemampuan dari parasit untuk terus. Treatment may involve administering oral medications, fluids, and possible iv drug therapy. Extensive drug resistance in malaria and tuberculosis. Buku petunjuk teknis penyelidikan epidemiologi malaria dan pemetaan wilayah fokus daerah eliminasi dan pemeliharaan 7. Who, estimates that there are 350 500 million cases of malaria worldwide. Report on the multilateral initiative on malaria meeting on antimalarial drug usage and resistance noga hilton hotel, geneva. Dampak ketidakpatuhan minum obat pada pasien malaria dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi infeksi plasmodium dalam darah, meningkatkan resistensi parasit, kekambuhan penyakit, dan meningkatkan angka. Malaria wikipedia bahasa indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas.

Antimalarial drugs definition of antimalarial drugs by. Terjadinya resistensi terhadap obat anti malaria juga berbeda. I objectives and format of meeting ii participating organisations iii executive summary iv summary of discussions 1. Malaria is common in areas such as africa, south america, and southern asia. Doc program pengendalian resistensi antimikroba lyanda. It was previously used for malaria but is no longer recommended due to resistance.

Highest risk in low lying areas during rainy season personal protection measures against mosquitoes as important as drugs. Generally, surveillance in tb, malaria and hiv to detect resistance, determine disease burden and monitor public health interventions is better established and experiences from these programmes are described in the report, so that lessons learnt can be applied to abr and opportunities for collaboration identi. Resistensi terhadap obat anti parasit contoh utama dari resistensi obat berganda adalah malaria. Fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan adalah tempat yang digunakan untuk menyelenggarakan upaya pelayanan kesehatan, baik promotif, preventif, kuratif maupun rehabilitatif yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah, pemerintah daerah, swasta danatau masyarakat.

These obligate intracellular parasites have the unique capacity to infect and replicate within erythrocytes, which are terminally differentiated host cells that lack antigen presentation pathways. In the rsa, parasites are treated at maximal concentrations of artemisinins achieved in plasma. M alaria and tuberculosis tb are 2 of the most common infectious diseases in resourcelimited countries. Symptoms and signs include high fever, body aches, headache, nausea, weakness, and chills. Plasmodium vivax telah menjadikan chloroquine dan sulfadoxinepyrimethamine resisten beberapa dasawarsa yang lalu, dan pada tahun 2012 resistensi artemisinin terhadap plasmodium falciparum telah membumbung di kamboja barat dan tthailand barat. Presents issues related to malaria as a major public health problem. The disease is caused by a parasite, plasmodium, which belongs to a group of onecelled organisms known as. Genes for resistance to chloroquine were detected in the parasite. An outbreak of plasmodium falciparum malaria occurred in tinzaouatine in southern algeria in 2007. Kombinasi dua macam obat saat ini yang sering dipergunakan. Resistensi parasit malaria terhadap obat anti malaria adanya parasit yang masih tetap hidup ataupun mengadakan multiplikasi walaupun penderita mendapat pengobatan dengan obat anti malaria semua jenis. Artemisinins are the cornerstone of antimalarial drugs 1.

Resistensi obat pada malaria adanya parasit yang masih tetap hidup ataupun. The likely vector, anopheles gambiae mosquitoes, had not been detected in algeria. Pengertian antibiotik antibiotik adalah segolongan senyawa, baik alami maupun sintetik, yang mempunyai efek menekan atau menghentikan suatu proses biokimia di dalam organisme, khususnya dalam prosesinfeksi oleh bakteri. Insect repellants, mosquito nets, clothing covering body. The syndrome caused by plasmodium falciparum in african children typically consists of fever, metabolic acidosis, hypoglycaemia, seizures, coma and cerebral oedema1, 2.

Mechanisms of artemisinin resistance in plasmodium. The existence of these genotypes is likely due to evolutionary pressure exerted by parasites of the genus plasmodium which cause malaria. Buku petunjuk teknis monitoring efikasi obat anti malaria di indonesia 2017 11. The outbreak shows the potential for an increase in malaria vectors in algeria.

This disparity comes at a time when malaria parasites have demonstrated some level of resistance to almost every antimalarial drug currently available, significantly. The threepage treatment guidelines cdc pdf pdf, 125 kb, 3 pages table can be used as a guide for treatment of malaria in the united states. Brucellosis is a disease caused by bacteria from the genus brucella. Bagaimana kita menghentikan resistensi antibiotik bbc. Hydroxychloroquine is a quinoline medicine used to treat or prevent malaria, a disease caused by parasites that enter the body through the bite of a mosquito. Definisi malaria suatu penyakit infeksi akut maupun kronik yang disebabkan oleh infeksi parasit plasmodium yang menyerang sel darah merah eritrosit. This medicine is not effective against all strains of malaria. Purpose antimalarial drugs treat or prevent malaria, a disease that occurs in tropical, subtropical, and some temperate regions of the world. Ditularkan melalui gigitan nyamuk anopheles betina yang terinfeksi parasit tersebut. Anti malaria free download as powerpoint presentation. Human genetic resistance to malaria refers to inherited changes in the dna of humans which increase resistance to malaria and result in increased survival of individuals with those genetic changes. Resistansi obat berganda wikipedia bahasa indonesia.

A molecular mechanism of artemisinin resistance in. Pdf malaria distribution, prevalence, drug resistance. Definition antimalarial drugs are medicines that prevent or treat malaria. The parasite gene pfkelch k is the primary marker of artemisinin resistance as defined both clinically and in vitro using the ringstage survival assay rsa. Mereka juga melacak kasus resistensi beberapa sangat umum dan kurang umum pada obat yang digunakan untuk mengatasi e. Selain pencegahan, diagnosis dan pengobatan malaria juga merupakan upaya. Emphasizes the biology of malaria parasites and factors affecting their transmission to humans by anopheline vectors. For all its dramatic manifestations, the disease seen in severe falciparum malaria is remarkably similar to many other conditions, including some, such as heatstroke, that are not caused by infectious agents. A combination of two or more classes of antimalarial drug with unrelated mechanisms of action. Hanya sekitar 10% dari orang yang terkena kumannya akan mendapat penyakit tbc. Malaria is a vectorborne infectious disease caused by unicellular parasites of the genus plasmodium.

It is also used with dapsone as a secondline option to prevent pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia in people with hivaids. Kalau kuman tbc tidak aktip menjadi aktip, penyakit tbc bisa terjadi. Manifestasi awal dari penyakitberlaku umum untuk semua spesies malaria mirip dengan gejala flu, dan dapat menyerupai kondisi lain seperti sepsis, gastroenteritis, dan penyakit virus. Tandatanda dan gejala malaria biasanya mulai 825 hari setelah terinfeksi. Unduh sebagai ppt, pdf, txt atau baca online dari scribd. Since malaria infects red blood cells, these genetic changes. Emergence and spread of resistance to them 2,3,4 raises risk of wiping out recent gains achieved in reducing worldwide malaria. Elimination of the malaria parasites that caused the treated illness. The drug or drug combinations recommended for treatment are listed in bold on the first line of each box in the adult and pediatric drug and dose columns. Kasus resistensi parasit malaria terhadap klorokuin ditemukan pertama kali. Since the year 2000, a concerted campaign against malaria has led to unprecedented levels of intervention coverage across subsaharan africa.